Overview of international science, technology and innovation cooperation between Member States and countries outside the EU and the development of a f
In July 2013, the European Commission published the final report for the specific contract “INCO Monitoring” under the Framework Service Contract “Overview of International Science, Technology and Innovation Cooperation between Member States and Countries outside the EU and the Development of a Future Monitoring Mechanism”.
This report provides an overview of the goals and targets for international STI cooperation with third countries, policy implementation and the budgets linked to it, as well as the impact of international STI cooperation and the future development of EU Member States’ STI cooperation policies with international partner countries.
The report also includes country reviews with the purpose of getting a clear picture of what data is available in the countries. This information is useful for SFIC members with a view to designing a practical monitoring and implementation system. In order to get a clear picture of the future monitoring, some key questions have been asked about the gaps in Member States' international STI cooperation strategies, lessons learned from best/worst practices, and the added value for EU action.
For more: https://era.gv.at/object/document/746/attach/study_cooperation_countries_outside_the_eu.pdf