Updated EC Roadmaps for International Cooperation-October 2016
The EC has recently updated the roadmaps which indicate the priorities for international cooperation in research and innovation for major partner countries.
According to the implementation of the strategy EU-U.S.cooperation Health will continue to be a major cooperation area with the involvement of US National Institutes of Health (NIH). Cooperation with NiH further developed towards multilateral initiatives such as the International Rare Diseases Research Consortium (IRDiRC), International Cancer Genome Consortium (ICGC) and the Global Alliance of Chronic Diseases (GACD). Transport will continue to be among priorities with emphasis on smooth and secure transatlantic/global flows (e.g. transport management systems and cargo tracking and tracing, aviation in general). Energy technology research and innovation continues to be promoted towards clean energy research and innovation. In the area of fusion energy nuclear safety is still the focus of cooperation.
Environment gained focus on the Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) area and will promote cooperation in H2020 Calls specifically encourages EU-U.S. cooperation in this field.
Marine and Arctic cooperation will focus on the implementation of the Galway Statement.
Additionally, The EU Human Brain Project and the US BRAIN Initiative will support large scale cooperation based on existing initiatives.
Cooperation within the ICT field will be continued to be promoted through continues activities in the Future Internet Experimentation as well as global standards and interoperability for safe and secure cyber-physical systems (CPS) platforms and applications.
Promoting cooperation in the large scale research infrastructures is utmost important. Transatlantic Ocean Research Alliance, marine and Arctic Research Infrastructures are among the priority areas within this field.