Report on EU-US Programme Level Cooperation/JPI Workshop I

Project Deliverable Policy Makers, Agencies, Intermediaries

On 21 November 2016 the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) has organized a workshop titled “JPIs on the Global Stage: Opportunities for International Cooperation” in Brussels within the scope of two H2020 funded initiatives: BILAT USA4.0 and INCOBRA.

The goal of the workshop was to create awareness about the JPIs and their strategic agendas among the funding bodies from major partner countries and to facilitate exchange of knowledge and cooperation with leading funding agencies from USA, Brazil and Canada.

50 participant representing 9 JPIs, major funding bodies and organizations from U.S., Brazil and Canada, European funding agencies as well as the European Commission, other networks and high level groups such as Belmont Forum, GPC and SFIC have discussed the international cooperation opportunities and challenges within the framework of JPIs. JPIs presented their research priority topics and action plans within 1-2 years including the upcoming calls and other coordination and networking actions.  Representatives from USA, Brazil and Canada presented shortly their institutions, interest areas, framework conditions as well as experience and challenges for international cooperation. 

Attached document is the report of the workshop.

