Live Webinar: Enrich in the USA Research Connection Symposium Informational Session

5 April 2018

Webinar: Enrich in the USA Research Connection Symposium Informational Session

 Apr 5, 2018 at 8:30 AM EDT (14:30 CEST).

Join us in this informational webinar to learn more about Enrich in the USA's Research Connection Symposium and the application process. The Symoisum will be the first Research Connection Symposium held in Washington, D.C. (August 5-8, 2018), which aims at connecting EU researchers and research administrators to their U.S. counterparts, enabling collaboration and potential joint research endeavours. This symposium will provide a platform for EU researchers to present their work and define their research needs to potential US partners, while their research managers and administrators will be able to provide insights on the next stepsfor working together and if there will be viable funding and channels for collaboration.

For those who can’t attend our live session, we’ll provide a recording.


8:30am Welcome and Introduction to ENRICH in the USA

8:40am What’s RCS and is it for me?

8:55am The Importance of working with your research managers on international research collaboration

9:15am Q&A

9:30am Conclusion

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