If you are looking for up-to-date information regarding research and innovation cooperation between the European Union and the United States, you are at the right place!
Building on the learnings of the previous BILAT USA Initiatives, the BILAT USA 4.0 will continue to serve as an information platform for identifying cooperation opportunities and fostering transatlantic R&I cooperation.
Supported by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 Programme, BILAT USA 4.0 will
- contribute to research efforts addressing global challenges,
- strengthen research excellence and boost economic competitiveness,
- support Europe’s role as a global actor in Science and Innovation,
- carry out analysis providing a sound base for decision –making and partnership building.
For further information and register for e-newsletter check out our new website at: www.EuUsScienceTechnology.eu
We are looking forward to updating you on a regular basis about news, developments and happenings in regard to EU-US science and innovation cooperation.
Your BILAT USA 4.0 Consortium
BILAT USA 4.0 Project was launched with a kick-off meeting
in Brussels on 15-16 March 2016
The project BILAT USA 4.0 – a Coordination and Support Action (CSA) funded under Horizon 2020 – held its official Kick-Off Meeting on 15-16 March 2016 in Brussels starting with a public reception in the evening on 15 March in the Permanent Representation of the Federal Republic of Germany to the EU.
BILAT USA 4.0 has the objective to strengthen and further develop the European and US-American Science, Research and Innovation cooperation. To pursue this goal, the project among others:
- Organizes thematic research and innovation workshops and conferences involving the EU-US STI community
- Informs communities about mutual funding opportunities on both sides
- olicy recommendations to stakeholders on the basis of researcher’s and innovator’s input
- Analyses status of transatlantic STI Cooperation
Based on those sub-goals the work packages and activities, future /upcoming actions as well as larger conferences were further elaborated and planned at the Kick-Off Meeting. Next to the project partners consisting of research and innovation actors and players from Europe (10 partners) and the USA (6 partners), the European Commission, the US delegation to the EU and the Advisory Board took part.
A unique feature of BILAT USA 4.0 is the co-coordination team consisting on the EU side of DLR-PT and NCURA on the US-side.
Further information please regard our website: www.EuUsScienceTechnology.eu Contact: Henriette Krimphoff
A New Impulse for the Well-known Portal
We are very excited to announce the launch of our new project website. Visit our website at www.euussciencetechnology.eu where you can get information about the project as well as activities dedicated to foster EU-U.S. Research and Innovation cooperation.
The newly designed website provides new features such as “Funding” and “Target group” specific information to enable visitors to access customized information easier.
Project is focusing on four key themes: Marine and Arctic Research; NMP; Health and Transport and four main target groups: Universities/Research Organizations/Researchers; Companies; Policy makers and Agencies/Intermediaries active in EU-USA research and innovation cooperation.
Please subscribe to the e-newsletter to receive quarterly updates about the project activities and other EU-U.S. Research and Innovation cooperation and funding opportunities.
We are also inviting the media representatives to visit out “Media Kit”-section where all dissemination materials will be available for further use.
Please do not hesitate to share your views and recommendations for improvement! Contact: Krisztina Toth
BILAT USA 4.0 Information Session on ”US/NIH research funding opportunities for EU researchers / research managers” well received
BILAT USA 4.0 organized a half-day workshop on US/National Institute of Health (NIH) Funding Opportunities and Grants Management in Bonn, Germany on 18 March 2016. The goal of this workshop was to enable participants to learn about open and current funding opportunities on the US side and to learn in particular from and discuss with the invited EU and US experts that deal with such grants on a daily basis.
Vivian Holmes, Director of Sponsored Research Operations at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard and former NCURA President, presented the US federal research funding opportunities for European researchers with specific focus on NIH. Regina Notz, from international grants office of ETH and University of Zurich, complemented Vivian’s presentation by sharing their experiences from the EU perspective. Her presentation evolved around case studies of managing US funds and best practice examples. Regina e.g. talked about the applicable regulations and how the granting US authority complies with the “receiving” institution. Further, challenges in US grants management such as effort reporting, cost transfer, allowable / non-allowable costs or F&A costs were elaborated.
Further similar events will be published on the project website: www.EuUsScienceTechnology.eu (currently under construction). Contact: Henriette Krimphoff
BILAT USA H2020 @ eMerge
The BILAT USA 4.0 together with EURAXESS Links hosted a booth at the annual eMerge Conference in Miami on 18-19 April. eMerge is a B2B tech event—where ideas flow freely and innovation rules. This year 13.000 participants took part; presentations about Horizon 2020, funding opportunities for US researchers & logistics for proposal submission were very well received.
Contact: Christine Caly
BILAT USA 4.0 @Hannover Messe
BILAT USA 4.0 is involved in the EU-US Cluster Matchmaking Event on 25th-26th April 2016 in Hannover, to explore new business opportunities with European and U.S. clusters. The European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP) supported under EU COSME Programme organized thematic matchmaking event in collaboration with the Enterprise Europe Network a with the aim of promoting EU-U.S. cluster-to-cluster and cluster-to- business partnerships in various fields. Clusters with activity related to industrial automation and IT, energy and environmental technology, industrial supply, production engineering and services, as well as research and development, in EU and COSME participating countries participated. The event offered a chance for European Clusters to develop collaborations with other participating clusters and their business members from Europe and the USA; thus, creating greater possibilities for SMEs to grow through opportunities such as access to new markets or to new products and services.
Contact: Svetlana Klessova Link: http://www.clustercollaboration.eu/event-calendar/eu-us-matchmaking-event-hannover-messe-germany
BILAT USA 4.0 @U.S.-EU Workshop on Nano EHS
BILAT USA 4.0 is invited to participate and make a presentation in the 2016 U.S.-EU: Bridging Nano EHS Research Efforts Joint Workshop, organized by National Nano Initiative (U.S.) and the EC within the scope of U.S.-EU Communities of Research (CORs), launched by the European Commission and the United States in 2012.
In this workshop BILAT USA 4.0 activities will be presented and the upcoming EU.U.S. Workshop during the OpenTox Europe event (26-28 October, Basel) will be announced. For details, please follow: www.euussciencetechnology.eu
Background: BILAT USA has been supporting collaboration between European and U.S. Nano EHS researchers since 2014. In October 2015 in Strasbourg a workshop has been organized during the KET Brokerage Event. The overall goal of the BILAT USA 2.0workshop on EU-U.S. and International Cooperation was to exchange of knowledge on European and U.S. cutting edge research and innovation capacities on specific topics in Nanotechnology based on the H2020 work programme 2016-2017.
Contact: Berna Windischbaur Link: U.S.-EU: Bridging Nano EHS Research Efforts Joint Workshop
Upcoming events